CaCO3–Chitosan Composites Granules for Instant Hemostasis and Wound Healing
Excessive bleeding induces a high risk of death and is a leading cause of deaths that result from traffic accidents and military conflict. In this paper, we developed a novel porous chitosan–CaCO3 (CS–CaCO3) composite material and investigated its hemostatic properties and wound healing performance. The CS–CaCO3 composites material was prepared via a wet-granulation method. Granulation increases the infiltrating ability of the CS–CaCO3 composites material. The improved water absorption ability was enhanced to 460% for the CS–CaCO3 composites material compared to the CaCO3 or chitosan with only one single component. The coagulation studies in vivo illustrated that the blood clotting time was greatly reduced from 31 s for CaCO3 to 16 s for the CS–CaCO3 composite material. According to the results of the wound healing experiments in rats, it was found that the CS–CaCO3 composite material can promote wound healing. The CS–CaCO3 composite material could accelerate wound healing to a rate of 9 days, compared with 12 days for the CaCO3. The hemostatic activity, biocompatibility, and low cost of CS–CaCO3 composite material make it a potential agent for effective hemostatic and wound healing materials.To get more news about quickclot combat gauze, you can visit official website.
Hemorrhaging is a leading cause of deaths that result from traffic accidents and military conflict [1,2]. In hospitals, hemorrhage causes 15–25% of trauma deaths. A lot of hemostatic materials are used for hemorrhage controlling [3,4], which can be divided into inorganic materials [5,6,7] and organic polymer materials [8]. Inorganic materials include WoundStat, QuikClot, and Combat Gauze and polymer materials include Celox, Celox-D, HemCon, which are all commercially available products for hemostatic wound healing. However, the inorganic materials have many disadvantages, e.g., in the first generation of inorganic hemostatic materials, QuikClot caused high exothermic reactions and induced tissue empyrosis and other abnormal foreign-body reactions [9,10], and another inorganic material, WoundStat, induced thrombus in lungs and vessels [11,12]. Additionally, the poor adhesion of Combat Gauze made more blood loss [13]. Therefore, research is necessary to find more effective hemostatic agents.
Thrombin is an enzyme which can support earlier fibrin generation in the “waterfall reaction” of blood clotting. Calcium ions have the function to form thrombin and then activate the coagulation system. At the same time, intracellular Ca2+ can cause phosphatidyl serines to be exposed on platelet surfaces, and further help to assemble coagulation complexes and amplify the formation of thrombin [14,15]. Ca2+ can also stop bleeding by increasing clot rigidity. Similar to the benefit of Ca2+, CaCO3 also has good biocompatibility and potential for applications in medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, cuttlebone, a kind of traditional hemostatic material that consists of CaCO3 is orally administered and can rapidly stop bleed [16,17,18,19,20,21]. Accordingly, developed hemostatic materials based on CaCO3 have been investigated for tissue repairing and rapid wound closure [22,23]
Chitosan is an inexpensive natural-origin polymer that has been widely used in clinics for its biodegradability, biocompatibility and antimicrobial activities [24,25]. Chitosan also has been widely investigated because of its hemostatic function [26,27,28,29,30]. The protonated amine groups of chitosan have a static interaction with the negative charge of red blood cells and platelets that induces formation of thrombus [31]. Chitosan also has good water absorption ability to facilitate hemostasis by blood coagulation factors and concentrating platelets [32,33,34]. Some commercially available materials have been developed based on chitosan as hemostatic agents such as Celox, TraumaStat, HemCon and so on. Chitosan-based materials demonstrated effective and safe properties for trauma application [35]. However, chitosan hemostatic materials cannot be used to treat wounds with heavy bleeding, because chitosan materials have no adhesion and may be washed away by blood, or chitosan materials may enter the blood vessels of the wound and cause thrombosis [36].